
Woocommerce Customizations

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WooCommerce is the go-to solution for e-commerce on the WordPress platform. I just wanted to compile a list of customizations I have made during development. Some are more routine than others.

Declare Theme Support

function woocommerce_support() {
add_theme_support( 'woocommerce' );

add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'woocommerce_support' );

Replace the WooCommerce Placeholder Image

function custom_fix_thumbnail() {
function custom_woocommerce_placeholder_img_src( $src ) {
$upload_dir = wp_upload_dir();
$uploads = untrailingslashit( $upload_dir[ 'baseurl' ] );
$src = $uploads . '/2017/06/yourplaceholderimage.png';

return $src;

// If you know the ID of the image (you can get this from the Media Library)
// you can do this instead

$image_ID = 88;
$size = 'thumbnail';

return wp_get_attachment_image_src( $image_ID, $size );

add_filter( 'woocommerce_placeholder_img_src', 'custom_woocommerce_placeholder_img_src' );

add_action( 'init', 'custom_fix_thumbnail' );

Change the number of products shown per row

This will appropriately add the first and last classes to the products shown in the loop.

if ( ! function_exists( 'loop_columns' ) ) {
function loop_columns() {
return 3; // Show 3 products per row

add_filter( 'loop_shop_columns', 'loop_columns' );

Remove breadcrumbs

This will remove the breadcrumbs from the top of each woocommerce page.

function remove_wc_breadcrumbs() {
remove_action( 'woocommerce_before_main_content', 'woocommerce_breadcrumb', 20 );

add_action( 'init', 'remove_wc_breadcrumbs' );